
Cleaning & Recycling

How To Remove Sweat Stains Naturally – What Really Works

I love a good clean, crisp white shirt. Who wouldn’t? Be it a t-shirt or a blouse, a white shirt is a classic. It can be dressed up or down and goes with everything. What I don’t like is the slow creep of the ugly yellow armpit stain. You can always tell it’s coming…the slight darkening, the little bit of…

6 Best Indoor Plants to Purify the Air

During the cold winter months, it’s only natural to lock the house up air tight, start (or turn on) the fireplace, and hibernate for a while. The good thing about this is that it’s comforting, the bad thing is that it traps all of that air in the house, without new fresh air circulating in. With all of the off-gasing…

10 Natural Air Freshener Hacks for Your Home | Make Your House Smell Amazing Without Toxic Chemicals

Who doesn’t want a great smelling house? I know I do. What I don’t want, however, is a house that smells great, but is filled with toxic chemicals. I also don’t want to go crazy and spend a lot of money or time trying to read labels and figure out which natural air freshener is ok enough to use. With…