

How To Remove Sweat Stains Naturally – What Really Works

I love a good clean, crisp white shirt. Who wouldn’t? Be it a t-shirt or a blouse, a white shirt is a classic. It can be dressed up or down and goes with everything. What I don’t like is the slow creep of the ugly yellow armpit stain. You can always tell it’s coming…the slight darkening, the little bit of…

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss | How to Give Intermittent Fasting a Try – Without Starving

No matter which way you slice it, losing weight is not the easiest thing in the world. You have to watch what you eat, make sacrifices, and all around not like the process. I, like a lot of people out there, could stand to lose a couple of pounds that I have been holding on to a lot longer than…

7 Natural Flu Remedies You Can Use To Feel Better Fast | Fight the Flu Naturally

We all know when it’s coming…the start of the itchy throat and a little bit of a stuffy nose, and then WHAM, it all hits you like a Mack truck and you are socked with a soaring temp with the chills, a pounding headache, and a queasy stomach that feels like you shouldn’t move an inch or you’ll lose it….

The Back to School Non Toxic Lunch Box Guide

I’m guessing that most people don’t think too much about the actual lunch box that their kids use, other than the fact that their kids like the character on the front. As long as it holds their food and it makes it from point A to point B, you’re good, right? Well, there is growing concern about the chemicals that…

Why I Stopped Drinking Diet Soda | The 7 Not So Hidden Side Effects of Diet Soda on Your Body

I’ll be honest, I used to be a diet soda addict. I would easily polish off four or five cans a day, sometimes even larger bottles. As the years went on, I did cut back, but never quit. There was just something about the refreshing bubbles and caffeine that I couldn’t quite give up. I had heard people tell me…

Is Your Non Stick Pan Slowly Poisoning You? | Healthy Non Stick Pan Alternatives You Will Want to Invest In

To be honest, I never really thought too much about what pan I used when I was cooking. Not that I cook all that much mind you, but when I did, I really didn’t worry about the vessel I was cooking in. I just worried about whether the food I was cooking was healthy and organic. After doing a little…