
Physical & Mental

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss | How to Give Intermittent Fasting a Try – Without Starving

No matter which way you slice it, losing weight is not the easiest thing in the world. You have to watch what you eat, make sacrifices, and all around not like the process. I, like a lot of people out there, could stand to lose a couple of pounds that I have been holding on to a lot longer than…

7 Natural Flu Remedies You Can Use To Feel Better Fast | Fight the Flu Naturally

We all know when it’s coming…the start of the itchy throat and a little bit of a stuffy nose, and then WHAM, it all hits you like a Mack truck and you are socked with a soaring temp with the chills, a pounding headache, and a queasy stomach that feels like you shouldn’t move an inch or you’ll lose it….

How Much Water Should You Drink? | 5 Weird Reasons You May Need to Drink More Water Than You Think

I don’t know about you, but I have to consciously make myself drink water. If left to my own devices without sticky notes and phone pings reminding me, I would probably go far too long without drinking plain ol’ water. Nothing against water, it is just really boring. What I didn’t know is that if your body doesn’t get enough…

Brain Health: 5 Foods to Avoid to Keep Your Healthy Brain Intact

Brain fog, memory loss, forgetfulness and Alzheimer’s are all scary topics to consider, but they are a reality for many people. I, for one, want to do whatever I can to preserve my (somewhat) healthy brain. I’ve heard a lot about memory boosting foods, but not a whole lot about what foods to avoid. I knew that there had to…

3 Natural Remedies for Hormonal Imbalance Every Woman Should Know

Spring isn’t just a time to clean up your house and diet, it can also be a great time to get your hormones in check. Many people don’t give a second thought to their hormones, but hormones actually regulate a ton of functions in your body. When your endocrine system (the glands that produce hormones) gets out of sync, it…