Top 10 Ways to Increase Energy Naturally

Top 10 Ways to Increase Energy Levels Naturally

Healthy Living, Physical & Mental, Wellness By

Ever feel like you are just in a never-ending energy slump? Yeah, I’ve been there too. A lot. I usually just load myself up with caffeine and hope for the best, but in my effort to try to live 90% cleaner, I wanted to do a little better. With that in mind, I wanted to figure out how to boost energy levels naturally, not with a bunch of chemical stimulants. Below are a few of the ways I have found that actually do seem to increase energy levels naturally, without the weird side effects.

How to Increase Energy Levels Naturally

Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I recommend these products because they are products that I personally use or companies that I have found trustworthy.

1. Exercise

You knew I was going to say this, didn’t you. I know, I dislike exercise as much as the next person, but it really does help increase energy naturally. If you get on a regular routine, your body will work more efficiently and will help you feel more alert consistently. Read my post The Best Portable Exercise Equipment for my slacker way to get exercise in every day.

2. Sleep – Power Nap or Longer Night’s Sleep

Sleep is also another one of those non-negotiables. I usually have trouble with this one, but I have been doing a little better. It just goes without saying that the better you sleep, the better and more energetic you will feel. If you can, go to bed earlier, make your room extra dark and cool, and add a noise machine or fan to drown out disturbing sounds that may wake you. If you can’t make your nighttime sleep better, think about a power nap. Lay down for a half hour and at least let your body and mind rest. I have known people to go to their cars at lunch to make a short nap happen. Check out my post How to Sleep Better: 8 Natural Tricks to Get Better Sleep for more information on getting better sleep naturally.

3. Reduce Alcohol

It is no secret that I like a glass (or two or three) of red wine in the evening. Most people feel that alcohol gives them an energy boost to be able to stay awake longer and to be more present and alert, but this effect is usually temporary, with a nasty crash coming quick. Some people also think that having alcohol before they go to bed will relax them and help them fall and stay asleep longer, assuming they will feel more rested and energized in the morning this way. The truth is that alcohol messes with your REM or restorative sleep and will actually jolt you awake during the night, leaving you feeling wiped out and tired. Cut the alcohol at night to get a better night’s sleep for more energy the next day. Hard, I know.

4. Add Magnesium Supplement

Magnesium can also be a great sleep aid if taken before bed. Magnesium can also help convert glucose into energy in the body. Increase your magnesium intake, increase energy naturally. I like Nature Made or Natural Calm. Magnesium can also help reduce stress levels, which can also help increase your energy. Check out my post Why You Need Magnesium in Your Life: 6 Key Health Benefits of Magnesium for more info.

5. Cut Out the Sugar

We all know that refined sugar tastes good, but we also know that it is not the best for us. Refined sugar can give you an instant energy burst as it hits your bloodstream, but shortly after, your blood sugar will drop and so will you. Try to stick to whole grain carbs, natural sugars, and avoid the artificial candy. Read my post How to Start a Refined Sugar Free Diet to learn more.

6. Aromatherapy – Peppermint Essential Oil

I love essential oils for their natural healing and energizing properties. Peppermint essential oil is my favorite for an energy boost. Try it in a warmer or diffuser for an instant boost.

7. Try Tea Instead of Coffee

Give up coffee you say? Yep, give it a try. Coffee can be harsh and cause energy to plummet after the caffeine jolt wears off. Try a green tea to increase energy levels naturally, while also getting all of the health benefits that go along with it. Read my post 5 Health Benefits of Green Tea to see all of the benefits of drinking green tea.

8. Add B Vitamins

Adding specifically B12 to your routine may help boost your energy. It is known as the energy B vitamin because it helps to keep your thyroid and blood cells humming along at their best performance. If you can, it is best to get it from foods (try wild caught salmon, grass fed beef and organic free range eggs), but if that really isn’t an option, try a good quality supplement.

9. Green Smoothie

I’m also a fan of green smoothies. It gives you a hit of power greens with all of their energy boosting nutrients, right away in the morning. Try my Easiest Green Smoothie You’ll Ever Make for a fast version that doesn’t taste “green”.

10. Check Your Thyroid

If all else fails, have your doctor check your thyroid levels. If you have a sluggish thyroid it can drag your whole body down. While your doctor is at it, also have them test your red blood cell amount. If you don’t have enough, it could mean you have anemia, which will also make you feel tired and sluggish non-stop.

These are just a few of the ways that I have found that have helped me increase energy levels naturally, without having to resort to caffeine pills or nasty energy drinks. Tried anything that has really helped your energy levels? Let me know in the comments!